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I wrote this song for anyone who is feeling left out. Remember that non-conformists drag the rest of us (sometimes kicking and screaming) along to the next great thing! Celebrate your you-ness!
These days it's hard to tell who's smiling behind that mask. Especially tricky at the Grocery Store! 'For now we see as through a glass darkly' came to mind one day and generated this song.
One of the greatest talents of evil is it's ability to disguise itself as Good. Lie after lie to confuse people, then appeal to their emotions and loyalties. Make sure to demonize (and perhaps invent) 'the Enemy'. Encourage division, add a charismatic leader and viola! The leader is always the sole beneficiary of the great lie. Some who are not confused will follow them out of fear or greed. Others simply want a better life, and the new leader seems to be the only alternative.
We often look evil right in the face without seeing it. In order to avoid being fooled we must suppress our anger and frustration and have faith in ourselves and each other. We must never offer it an excuse.
In the USA, we can Vote.
I love Spring! I wrote this song about it way back during my misspent youth. Thought I'd get it out and dust it off! 'In the Springtime'. -Don't want to say what year that was...
It seems to me that the human brain has, at any given moment, room for either emotion or rational thought. If you try to mix the two together, emotion always wins. The current 'divide and conquer' political climate in the USA has everyone hating each other while the 'leaders' reap the benefits. This latest song is an appeal to us all to remember that we need to work together if we want to get anywhere!
Settle Down
I payed these 2 old guys a couple of bucks to lip and guitar sync some of my tunes. I thought they looked kinda like Dave and I will look someday if we survive. - At least that's my story!
Found videos lying around on old video tape.
'The Bar at the Edge of the World', and 'Goodbyes' are from my farewell concert in San Diego in 1993, just before moving back to Colorado. 'Exit 93' is just a few minutes of an impromptu concert at my Mom's house years ago.
The Bar at the Edge of the World
I wrote this song in my head while helping my favorite girl move to Tuscon - scribbled it quickly on a piece of torn grocery bag on the hood of her Volkswagon at a rest stop. '50SRL' was her userid at work. I don't know whatever happened to her, but maybe she'd like this version better than the one I left her on her portable cassette player!